Grant applications for 2024-2025 are now open.
The Big Ideas Grant Fund is intended to assist clubs and societies with funding bids of over £500 to support larger-scale events or campaigns that foster community.

The Big Ideas Grant Fund aims to:
- Support student-driven, large-scale ideas that incorporate inclusive outreach practices
- Promote collaborative projects that could include multiple affiliated societies, university partners and wider community
- Advance larger events or campaigns that prioritise diversity, accessibility and inclusion
- Encourage professional skill growth in areas such as event and financial planning
The SRC encourages your club/society to apply to the Big Idea Grant for funding bids such as (but not limited to):
- Cultural Outreach and Awareness Events / Cultural Celebrations
- Interfaith Events
- Health and Wellbeing Campaigns
- Theatre Performances
- Conferences
- Competitions
How to Apply
In order to apply for and claim a Big Ideas grant, you need to:
- Make sure two currently listed Office Bearers attend an induction session within the current academic year. If your club/society is unable to attend an induction session before applying for a grant, please contact as soon as possible.
- Complete the application form on this page (please log in to our website if you cannot see the form below).
Please make sure your Big Ideas grant application:
- Is completed by a currently listed office bearer (generally the treasurer).
- Includes comprehensive details of what is being applied for, how it will benefit your members, how it prioritises community and inclusion, and a cost breakdown.
- Is submitted along with a bank statement that is less than two months old, or alternatively, proof of opening.
- If your club keeps their funds in the SRC Holding Account (agreed beforehand with the SRC), you will not need to submit a bank statement.
- If your club does not have a bank account, then we can still consider your application and ask you to discuss this with us further.
- Under no circumstances will funds be released into a personal bank account.
Factors that are taken into consideration by the committee are:
- Quality of the proposal and its impact to uplift diversity, community and inclusion
- The number of society members who would benefit from the funding
- Members must be signed up for the society on the SRC website. The website can also be used to sell event tickets to both students and non-students without charging booking fees.
- The club’s ability to manage their finances
- The application’s contribution to the SRC’s overall strategic objectives
- The club’s potential access to alternative resources
- The SRC Clubs and Societies budget
Reach out for SRC Support
It is a priority for the SRC that your club/society understands what grant funding and resources are available to you, as well as how to navigate the application process.
If you require advice on completing your application or on your meeting with the committee, we encourage you to email to get in touch with our Clubs and Socs Engagement Coordinator. They would be happy to meet with your society in-person, over Zoom or via email to help answer your queries.
Please note, any lobbying or attempt to circumvent the applications process may see your application disqualified.
Apply to the Big Ideas Grant Fund Here
Expensive Items and Other Funding Opportunities
We recognise that clubs/societies may not have the funds to make upfront purchases where the items are expensive. In this situation, the club can request that the SRC make payment directly to the supplier.
You will need to contact the SRC before making any commitment on our behalf; we will happily talk to the supplier for you. Please note it can take up to 5 working days for the SRC to process any payments.
Please note, for smaller resource or event bids, please consider applying to our SRC Clubs and Societies grant funding. If you have any questions on the SRC Clubs and Societies grant process, please email We are here to support you!