
Promoting interest and participation in Cardiovascular Medicine

Glasgow University Cardiovascular Society (GUCVS) is a student-led society, founded in 2006, that aims to promote interest amongst students in Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery. We achieve this by running various events throughout the year, such as evening lectures, clinical skills nights and our monthly shadowing sessions in Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Cardiac Catheterization. In 2014 we ran our Inaugural Symposium which is now an annual event.

Zoe Strachan - Education and Development Officer

Shraddha Meti - Education and Development Officer

Kani Meghan - Education and Development Officer

Jackson Tan - Conference and Events Officer

Louvinia Wong - Conference and Events Officer

Farah Khairol - Conference and Events Officer

Arushi Gupta - Publicity Officer

Tom McCusker - Research Officer

Eveline Wijono - Pre-Clinical Representative

Nukman Salimin - General Member

Carmen Connell - General Member



There are no events planned at the moment, check back soon.


Club Expenses



There are no resources.



Cardiovascular Society
Introducing the Journal Club

Wed 29 Nov 2023

Cardiovascular Society
Introducing the National Cardiology Teaching Series

Fri 15 Dec 2023

Cardiovascular Society
Cardiothoracic Surgery Career Night Overview

Tue 28 Nov 2023




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