
RAREAware Glasgow is a society which is dedicated to raising awareness about rare diseases, the impacts which they can have on both patients and carers, and what medical students can do to drive posit

RAREAware Glasgow is a society which is dedicated to raising awareness about rare diseases, the impacts which they can have on both patients and carers, and what medical students can do to drive positive change.

In the medical field, it’s true that common things are common however rare diseases are equally common with 3.5 million people in the UK being affected by rare disease in their lifetime.

Therefore, our society is driven towards raising awareness for rare diseases so that tomorrow’s doctors are better equipped to treat patients, carers and families affected by rare disease.

Through interactive events and collaborations with other renowned rare disease charities, we hope to be able to enhance rare disease education for medical students in order to allow the next generation of doctors to deliver better patient-centred care.



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