GUWS sep '23 - first update

23-24guwsnewslettersep 23

this is an email from the gu worldbuilding & storytelling society (guws). you are getting this email because you signed up for membership on the src site during 2023-24

TL;DR (?)

hi folks!

this is cel (pres) from guws. thanks for signing up for membership so early :D it's so reassuring to see interest like this; and boy do we have plans to match that. i already spoke a little bit about the next while for guws in our last newsletter, and you can now read that here. i've decided to post the newsletters publically as it'll be easier for intrigued individuals to get an idea of what's going on, as well as providing quick access for all of you. you're able to access all of our newsletters, events, & links on our page of the src site.

welcome week and the fair

on tuesday and wednesday from 10:00-17:00, the area around the main building will be host to all sorts of tents and stalls for the welcome fair, where societies will be advertising themselves. we'll be over in professors' square, west of the main building, so come say hi! i'll be there both days and can answer any questions or just have a chat.

11-12 on the wednesday is the dedicated quiet hour, so if you're worried about getting overwhelmed or overstimulated, that'll be the best time to come.

my PRO TIP for the fair is, if you have a smartphone, download the My SRC app (android, apple) or just sign into your student account on the src website through your phone's browser beforehand. you'll be wanting to join various societies as you go around, and this'll streamline the process a bit. i hear the app has some issues — they always do — but hopefully that won't cause too much bother.

collaborative worldbuilding social

this coming thursday (14th) from 14:30-16:30, we'll be hosting the welcome event i spoke of in the last newsletter. it will be incredibly experimental and incredibly bizarre, but we hope it'll be fun. there's some more info on the event listing page. the room will be a little awkward and some folks might need to stand or sit on the floor, but i'm so grateful to the linguistics department for letting us have our event there :] room-booking is such a nightmare

closing remarks

i'll be sending out a little email on wednesday evening after the fair to make sure the new members know about our thursday event. i hope to see you there, but if not then you'll hear from me next weekend where i'll get to discuss our first standard events which will be, fingers crossed, Reading Circle — a monthly gathering to chill, chat, and discuss what you've been reading — and our traditional Writing Session — a weekly gathering to get some writing done in a room of other writers.

the times are a bit tentative, but thanks to the demand for pre-6pm events on the discord, we're anticipating they'll be monday 16:00-18:00 and thursday 16:00-18:00 respectively. these will consistently be our two slots per week for all we do. read more about the lineup and the rota in the last newsletter.

(we're going a little bit off-schedule for september to fit in as much new stuff as possible, with reading circle on the 18th & our monthly event the week after, but we'll be sticking to the schedule as laid out in the last newsletter from october onwards!)

that's enough from me. enjoy the fruits of my battle with this website and click a link or two. see you around!

cel (they/them), guws pres
