Statement: The SRC is Pro-Choice

A statement from the GUSRC Executive.


Amidst recent debates surrounding reproductive rights, both locally and on our campus, the SRC stands resolute in affirming our unwavering pro-choice stance.  

We firmly believe in upholding the fundamental right of every individual to make their own decisions concerning their reproductive health. We also wish to emphasise the importance of providing accurate information about abortion, empowering individuals to make informed choices. 

Furthermore, we are committed to championing the rights of all individuals to have access to safe and legal abortion and will strive to increase awareness around abortion through actively supporting initiatives aimed at preserving and safeguarding every person’s right to bodily autonomy.  

We believe that everyone deserves to have control over their own life and that includes the right to make decisions about their own body. We must work to create a society where all people have the resources and support they need to make healthy choices about their bodies and their lives. 

- GUSRC Executive 2022-23


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