Outgoing SRC President, Ella McCabe, reflects on the past year as the new sabbatical team get ready to take office on 1st July.

What a hectic but interesting year it has been for the SRC and the 21/22 Executive Team!
Reflecting on the year, it has been a long journey: from starting the first semester during a period of nationwide COVID restrictions, then slowly through the year seeing these be lifted and navigating the transition back into some normality, to arriving at where we are today with more and more in person activity coming back across campus and in everyday life.
As a Council, we’ve held online calls, hybrid meetings, and eventually (finally!) we got back to meeting in-person. Throughout all of that, we had a number of unique challenges to deal with and respond to along the way, including online and 24-hour exams, decolonising the curriculum, COP26, the student housing crisis and cost of living crisis to name but a few – all of this, on top of our work toward our regular SRC activities such as elections, Welcome Week, welfare campaigns, the Student Teaching Awards, and the Volunteering, Clubs and Societies Awards.
It certainly has been a busy year and it’s hard to sum it all up in just a few words. One thing I can say is that my team have enjoyed every moment of being your advocates and representing the student voice here at the University of Glasgow, particularly at a time when the world has been changing around us at such a dramatic pace. COVID and beyond, challenges and all, it’s been a pleasure. It’s a warm goodbye from myself, Eva, Sam and Mia, and you’ll soon be saying hello to the new team!
We wish the very best to Rinna, Hailie, Katie and Micaela when they take office from 1st July.
Yours sincerely,
Ella McCabe (SRC President 21/22)