
🤘 Karaoke Announcement 🤘

🐏 To start off our next exciting year of Rock & Metal, we are hosting a karaoke night at The Record Factory on Monday, September 16th @7pm!

🍻 You do not have to sing to come to this event and it's a great opportunity to meet new folk! Additionally, you do not have to drink to come to our bar socials!

⚡ This event is 18+ - BRING VALID ID ⚡

We can sometimes gather a big crowd during fresher's so please be kind to each other, and to the bar staff. Any bullying or uncomfortable behaviour will not be tolerated.

We have committee members, including a welfare and equality officer, so don't be shy to approach us if you're feeling overwhelmed or need help and support.

All attendees must follow the GUSRC Events Code of Conduct: https://www.glasgowunisrc.org/policies/events-conduct/