
The SRC President is in charge of overseeing pretty much everything that goes on in the organisation. The post is currently held by Pablo Morán Ruiz.

1. Aims of Post 

1.1 To provide overall strategic leadership of the SRC and ensure that strategic priorities represent the views and needs of students registered at the University of Glasgow.

1.2 To ensure that all SRC services are delivered to the highest possible standard and that the SRC meets legal and best practice requirements, in all areas of its activities. 

1.3 To have the primary role in publicising the views of the SRC and representing students to the University, external organisations, politicians, and the media. 

1.4 To be the main link between GUSRC Council and senior SRC staff. 

1.5 To ensure GUSRC reflects the highest standards with regards to equal opportunities in all areas of its operations. 


2. Specific Responsibilities 

2.1 Along with the Permanent Secretary; ensure effective management and stewardship of the organisation’s financial resources. 

2.2 Work with the Permanent Secretary in ensuring effective communication and positive working relationships between elected Student Officers and GUSRC’s staff team. 

2.3 Participate in weekly management meetings and convene weekly meeting of Sabbatical Officers & Permanent Secretary. 

2.4 Work with other Sabbaticals in supporting the work of non-Sabbatical Council and Executive members and Class Representatives. 

2.5 Work closely with the VP (Education) in monitoring legislation and policy matters that may impact upon the HE Sector and report back on relevant developments. Maintaining an awareness of national, local and University academic and non academic issues, impacting on students of the University. 

2.6 Lead campaigns on national, local, and University issues that affect students, and formulate responses to consultations on such matters as relevant to GUSRC’s aims. 

2.7 Represent GUSRC on external organisations. 

2.8 Chair SRC Council and attend appropriate sub-Committees and working groups. 

2.9 Scrutinise all papers for University Committees that they are attend. Discuss potential issues with the Executive and represent a collective view on such issues, reporting back on any decisions and implications for students. (NB: it is essential that accountability is maintained through appropriate feedback and consultation). 

2.10 Work with the Permanent Secretary to ensure that the GUSRC’s activities are monitored, and reviewed on an ongoing basis. 

2.11 Participate in training sessions for Council and Student Media. Assist in overseeing the work of the student media and providing support when required (including proof reading of publications) 

2.12 Make a speech at Freshers’ Address. Make speeches and presentations whenever appropriate, for example at rallies and demonstrations, in line with SRC policy. 

2.13 Ensure GUSRC has an effective, high profile presence at relevant University events, e.g. Open Day, Applicants’ Visit, and Internship Fair etc. 

2.14 Be the spokesperson for GUSRC on all matters. Authorise and sign off on the production and distribution of press releases and all media contact. Designate an alternative spokesperson when circumstances require. 

2.15 Ensure appropriate systems and resources are in place to sustain an effective social media and website presence 

2.16 Ensure procedures are in place for publicity for relevant GUSRC activities and events 

2.17 Work with the Permanent Secretary in leading the strategic and operational planning process. 

2.18 Assist and advise GUSRC Staff and the Returning Officer in preparation and conduct of GUSRC Elections, e.g preparation of eligibility rules, nomination forms and job descriptions. Refer any irregularities to the Returning Officer. 

2.19 Liaise with staff and the relevant VP in the development, implementation, review and evaluation of training for Academic Convenors, Student Representatives, Clubs & Societies, Council Members and other student stakeholders. 3 

2.20 Work through the PA to the Permanent Secretary to ensure that all papers for Executive and meetings of Council are collated and distributed in a timely fashion. 


3. Obligations 

3.1 Elected Sabbatical Officers are required to sign a memorandum of understanding which sets out working conditions and provides protection in the following areas: terms of office, working week and hours, remuneration, absence, sick pay, holidays, academic study, resignation and disciplinary and grievance procedure. 

3.2 Sabbatical Officers are obliged to abide by the code of conduct as set out in the SRC’s Constitution. 

3.3 Those elected will also be obliged to adhere to the above job description and display proof of their matriculation status no later than the start of the academic session of the year during which they will hold office. 

3.4 Sabbatical Officers should avoid participation in any role or contribution to any activity which could be perceived as a conflict of interest. Once elected; responsibilities are to ensure the interests of GUSRC are represented at all times. Advice should be sought where a perception of a conflict of interest may arise. 


4. Responsibilities 

4.1 Sabbatical Officers are representatives of University of Glasgow students, within the SRC, the University, and the wider community. All Sabbatical Officers should be available to speak to and assist students, to the best of their ability, during the working hours outlined above. 

4.2 Sabbatical Officers should promote and raise awareness of the services provided by the SRC, and ensure as far as possible that all students have equal access to these services. 

4.3 Sabbatical Officers should attend SRC Council, Executive, and other Committees, and provide reports to these bodies when asked to do so. Sabbatical Officers are responsible for upholding the Constitution and policy of the SRC, and should liaise with staff, other Executive and Council members to carry this out. 

4.4 Sabbatical Officers should support and encourage Council members in the execution of their roles and should do as much as possible to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to take part in the SRC's work. 

4.5 As part of their representative function, Sabbatical Officers should maintain constructive relations with the University, external organisations and the other student bodies on campus. 

4.6 Sabbatical Officers should not gain, or seek to gain financially through their privileged access to information on additional available earning opportunities notified to the SRC from time to time. They should ensure all such opportunities are communicated as widely as possible.