
The Environmental Officer position is currently held by Saskia Drijver-Headley

Job Descriptions 

There are nine Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officers elected to Council. It is the responsibility of Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officers to represent the concerns of all students that sometimes fall out with academic representation. 

Each Officer handles a particular portfolio, and all matriculated students of the University are eligible to vote and stand for these positions. 

Environmental Officer 

The Environmental Officer works closely with the VP Student Support as well as representatives from the wider community outside of the University. They are tasked with facilitating student responses to environmental issues of local and national importance. 

In addition to these responsibilities, Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officers are expected to attend all meetings of Council. Opportunities will also arise for election to various University committees and positions. 

SRC Committees and Working Groups 

The SRC may establish sub committees or working parties to consider certain areas of its work and sometimes consider policy motions. College Convenors may participate in the work of such committees and groups (and can suggest the establishment of new groups or committees). 

University Committees 

Council votes in autumn to elect members to sit on a variety of University committees, including Library Committee, Museums and Galleries Committee, Senate, Senate Disciplinary and Student Support Development Committee. Please contact the PA to the Permanent Secretary for a full list of committees.