
GU Business Club is one of the largest student societies on campus, with weekly events. We have strong relationships with business people ranging from JP Morgan directors, to social enterprise leaders

Founded in 2010, GU Business Club has held weekly events throughout each academic year. Some of our most notable events in 2022 include the PwC Case Challenge, the Social Enterprise competition, our 20+ mentor networking event, and the 150+ student subcrawl.

Some statistics

  • 220+ students in our 2022/2023 WhatsApp group. Anyone can join!
  • 145+ student members in the 2022/2023 academic year.
  • 125+ students at our PwC Case Challenge.
  • 19+ teams signed up for our Social Enterprise competition.

Our ongoing programmes include a mentorship scheme with 90% matches with relevant industry professionals, an equity research team and our digital assets team. All of these opportunities are a great way to kickstart your career. 

If you have any questions before joining, don't hesitate to contact businessclub@src.gla.ac.uk or reach out on social media. 


Which membership option should I choose?

If you are a current UofG student, select the "Student" option. Otherwise, select "Associate".

I cannot complete my membership payment. Can you help?

Reach out to businessclub@src.gla.ac.uk or talk to one of our board members at an event. We can help you with the process.



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Club Expenses



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