Office Bearer




Welfare Officer


Astrosoc is a student society for anyone looking to make friends and have some astronomy fun along the way.

You don’t need to be an Astronomy student to join! We hold independent events throughout the academic year as well as joint events with Physoc.

Our usual events include guest lectures, observing evenings, subcrawls, Burn’s Supper and an end-of-year camping trip to the nearby Dark Sky Region. New events we hope to include are movie/documentary screenings, casual astronomy meetings where we can learn about cool new astronomy things, trips to the evening talks at the Glasgow Science Centre and drop-in study sessions.

We offer both standard (UofG students) and associate (everyone else) memberships. We also offer a £8 joint membership with the Physoc (instead of £5 single). Head over to their page to sign up for both societies!



There are no events planned at the moment, check back soon.


Club Expenses





Astronomy Society
Astrosoc x Physoc Student Library Re-opening

Fri 30 Sep 2022

Image with text describing the article




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