
Welcome to GU Linguistics Society!

Our aim is to organise social events for those studying English Language and Linguistics at the University of Glasgow.

The Glasgow University Linguistics Society is open to all students with an interest in English Language & Linguistics, whether or not you study it at university.

Whether you’re a bright-eyed first year or in Senior Honours, a native or non-native speaker, new to the field of English Language or a lifelong obsessive over the finer points of grammar, you are welcome to be a part of LingSoc.

Over the year we hope to provide opportunities for members to socialise through fun and unusual events (some with probably quite loose linguistic-themed links) and to engage further with their particular linguistic interests, whatever they may be.

We are always looking for people to come and have a say in the running of the society; if you have ideas for particular events you think we should organise then get in touch by email or come along to one of the events advertised on the Facebook page.



There are no events planned at the moment, check back soon.


Club Expenses



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