
Hi! Thank you for your interest in the Economic and Social History Society! Branded historian or just interested, come and join us! We’re excited that you’re here!

What is Economic and Social History and how is it different to ‘History’ in general?

“Economic and Social History is the study of the way societies change in their economic activities and social organisation. You will study how people in the past lived and worked, and how this has affected the development of today’s world.” (University of Glasgow definition)

Economic and Social History is sometimes also known as ‘Modern History’. It focuses on the industrial revolution onwards, studying important events in recent history such as WW1 & WW2, slave trade, the great depression, gender, sexuality and race liberation, political advancements and their impacts on society, and how all of these events have impacted modern day. Different cultures and experiences are often explored due to the vast amount of depth behind each topic making the subject widely adored due to its diversity and acceptance.

As a society, what will we do together?

Our aim is to provide a community full of accepting historians (and non historians) that are all interested in the same thing. History! We will hold events such as guest speakers, day-trips, coffee meetups and peer support sessions, various genres of movie nights (historically based, of course), presentation nights (where you can gush about your favourite period in history and why if you really want to if that is the topic!), debate sessions, bake sales and much, much more. All of our events will try to have an underlying theme of Economic and Social History, and will be guided in a mixed approached, not only exploring the history of the UK, but of the world. We will be active on Instagram and other forms of social media where we will share info about the society, and keep you entertained whilst not at an event, hosting interactive quizzes, and sharing educational figureheads in recent times!

Please note: You do not need to be studying Economic and Social History to join us! We are a diverse group that are excited to invite anybody who wants to learn, talk about, or educate others about history!

If this sounds like the society for you, come and be a part of our community! We can’t wait to meet you : )

-ESH Society < 3


2024/2025 Committee:


Zoe McMahon -  President

Laurie Barr - Executive

Krish Mahajan - Treasurer

Cat Robertson - Welfare Officer

Niamh Horbury - Events Panel

Lois Weston-Camors - Events Panel

Abheer Kukreja - Events Panel




There are no events planned at the moment, check back soon.


Club Expenses



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