
Shwmae a croeso! Croeso i Gymdeithas Cymry Glasgow. Cymdeithas i fyfyrwyr o brifysgolion ar draws y ddinas.

Rydyn ni'n cwrdd yn aml i gymdeithasu, mynd am beint, gwylio chwaraeon, i ddathlu traddodiadau pan ry'n ni'n bell o adre.

Ein nod yw creu cartref oddi cartref a chroesawu unrhyw un sy'n awyddus i fod yn rhan o'n cymuned. Mae ein digwyddiadau yn ddwyieithog felly mae croeso i bawb. Edrych mlan i gwrdd â chi!

We are Cymdeithas Cymry Glasgow, the Welsh students society of Glasgow. We regularly meet, be that for shared dinners, pub nights, rugby or football matches, Dydd Dewi Sant, Eisteddfod, or just for the sake of it!

For Welsh students in Glasgow we offer a sense of home yn y’r Alba, and extend our welcome to anyone who has a desire to be a part of our community. Our events are as bilingual as possible, and we welcome members of all language communities in Cymru. Whatever your connection to Cymru, you’re welcome in our Cymdeithas! We look forward to meeting you.



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