Brazil News™letter

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Brazil News™

Brazil News™letter

The only state society propaganda you can trust


Welcome to the first issue of BlocSoc’s own Brazil News™letter! 

In this special edition we’ll be taking a look at the BlocSoc of 2023 and reminiscing, remembering, and even rewinding the past year in BlocSoc. Now, while this may seem a rather odd way to begin a newsletter - usually it takes slightly after the first issue for nostalgia mining - it’s the perfect way to continue on from the admittedly sporadic mixed-medium Brazil News™ releases we’ve had over the past year. So let’s get to it in a funky segment I’m going to be calling:

BlocSoc’s Block Stats™ 

In the year of our UofGMinecraft, we’ve seen a lot of things happen. A lot. Our discord got several changes throughout the year with new channels being added, those channels getting caught by Bailey, and then those channels immediately getting deleted. The lifespan of an unsanctioned committee-created discord channel is worryingly short these days...


In April the Counting channel was created and it reached a record high of 360 on the 1st of December! Only took us 9 months to get there.

And it wasn’t just the number of channels that expanded, the committee’s total heart count grew by a whole 0.6 many sizes in the aftermath of the elections with new roles such as Events, Technical Officer, and Vice President being introduced!


Since the 1st of January 2023 there have been 267, 746 messages sent in the discord (correct at time of writing)! That’s quite a lot! And of those 267,746 messages, over 1% of them were sent in quotebook. We certainly are a quotable lot!

Now I’ve noticed that people enjoy stats and data but in wrapped, people go crazy for graphs! So, I did my wrapped duty and made some~ 


This first pie chart shows our favourite (not locked to verified members) text channels of 2023:

As you can see, General storms ahead accounting for 79.5% of the total activity of these ten channels! It does make a lot of sense when you think about it. Links-and-memes accounted for 2.2% of activity but probably didn’t promote as much back-and-forth as the free-for-all format of General.


This one deals specifically with those verified-only channels (remember to sign up via the SRC for the full BlocSoc experience™) :

Now here you can see the clearly identified outliers of chat-link! Compare these two graphs side by side, one including the chat-link stats and one excluding them:

It’s incredibly impressive how quickly Mediaeval-chat-link was able to amass this many messages considering that the first message was sent on the 17th of December. It really does show how active the short-term modded servers are and that staying up to Morgan Time may be bad for your health but good for overall server activity stats. Otherwise, Counting accounts for nearly half of the activity in this category! We can always count on that channel to increase the numbers.


Other interesting BlocSoc BlocStats™ include more sparkles on than off, the committee member most mentioned in Quotebook was Bailey by a landslide (surprising no-one tbh), and our most popular original tumblr post got over twice the amount of notes as our second most popular post!

Other BlocSoc’s Highlights™ 

As some of you might have noticed, we’ve grown a lot closer with one of our fellow Minecraft societies, The University of Manchester Minecraft Society (aka Minechester)! Together we’ve run a few events and separately we’ve crashed into each other’s events but we’ve all been having a great time regardless. From our start in the Lifesteal UHC to the long-term prolonged psychological torture that was our Limited Life saturday’s, we’ve really made each other worse (and that’s not even mentioning the PvPLegacy 4am discord calls)!


We’ve not just grown closer with other Minecraft societies, we started off the year with the incredible Nerd Collab ceilidh and we’ve been carrying on the good Nerd Collab work with a packed pub quiz at Fresher’s and a successful Massaoke at Halloween! Not to blow my own trumpet or anything, but we’ve also held a lot more events with our mostly-regular Wednesday socials ranging from Kahoot night, to build battles, MCC screenings and Minecraft hide-and-seek. Expect more events in the new year although I cannot reveal all my plans for there are haters out there who WILL sabotage me and my plans — maid dress social when.


Our holiday modded servers also deserve their own special mention, Vault Hunters in the summer was the origin point for Brazil News™, a thing I’m sure you’re all very grateful for, and the current Mediaeval Minecraft has kept us all warm because we’ve been too addicted to go outside. Or at least I have!

BlocSoc’s Block Conclusions™

A lot really has happened this year and it could only really happen thanks to a wonderfully dedicated committee (sorry for helping you all ruin your sleep schedules) and the fantastic, excellent, amazing, and really good-looking people who joined BlocSoc!


Whether you’re a lurker, regular, Minechester spy, or casual member I want to thank you for all that you’ve done for BlocSoc in 2023! 

Here’s to a very blocky 2024!


Lots of love,

Head Editor, Writer, Photographer, Statistician and Historian of Brazil News™,

Morgan Lifesteal, Events Officer
