
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our first undergraduate Breast Surgery conference on the 18th of May 2024 at the Advanced Research Centre.

The aim of this conference is to provide our undergraduate community with insights into the field of breast surgery through enlightening talks in our morning programme (including our Keynote Speaker Dr Philippa Whitford), and hands-on workshops in the afternoon.

Our morning talks will focus on topics such as oncoplastic breast surgery and research, humanitarian efforts in breast cancer care in Gaza, and career pathways in breast surgery. Our afternoon programme will consist of workshops to simulate wide local excisions, sentinel node biopsies, breast examination and the role of triple assessment, and skin closures in breast surgery. These workshops will be facilitated by the breast trainees from Mammary Fold, alongside colleagues in plastic surgery and radiology.

We are grateful for the support of the Association of Breast Surgery, Association of Surgeons in Training and Mammary Fold in making this event possible.