Office Bearer





Welfare Officer


We are supporters and fans of F1 at the University of Glasgow. We hold watch parties for the Qualifiers and Races. We hold events which include Go-karting, Drive sims, Paintball and Pub Quizzes.

Whether you are new to F1 as you have just gotten into the sport, or have been a life long fan. This is the society for you.


There ain't no membership fee. Its completely free.

F1 Weekend Watch Parties:

We have sponsorships and partnerships with various businesses which we make use of to hold Watch Parties for Qualifiers and Races as well as the usual socials. Whether you like a pint, a soda or a water we cater to all if you want to watch the F1 with fans and supporters of the sport. An enganged and fun atmosphere where each member can cheer on the drivers and teams they love but also look towards other members when their favourites hit hard times. It's all fun and lovely, so pop along.

Paid Social Events:

Membership to the society is totally free and is available throughout the year, but for events and socials such as: Go-Karting, Drive Sim racing, and Paintball - events where we a company provides us with certain services, each member pays for the event they wish to attend. However, we ensure all F1 society members get the best price possible, usually seen through a solid discount or some bonuses in the package provided.


Overall, we hope to see you at F1 society events. Follow our Instagram and Facebook page to stay updated and join our Whatsapp Group.




There are no events planned at the moment, check back soon.


Club Expenses





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