
Glasgow University Taekwondo Club (GUTKD) is one of the university's most successful martial arts clubs, receiving training from national and international award-winning coaches!

As a World Taekwondo club, athletes train and compete in both sparring and poomsae, showing we really do cater for all aspects of taewkondo. We primarily focus on sparring and fitness perfect for all levels and abilities. Additional opportunities include taekwondo based self-defence sessions, perfect for both males and females!


Athletes have the opportunity to compete within BUCS Taekwondo and Parataekwondo events beginning in October. For beginners we also provide test match days and friendly sparring events such as Glasgow vs Edinburgh to get you into the rhythm of sparring. Sparring is totally optional and the club is also perfect for those just hoping to increase fitness.

Who can join?

Everyone can join! Our members range from complete beginners to sparring champions. Offering numerous official gradings across the year, everyone can progress at their own speed within GUTKD. Our clubs has experience coaching taekwondo and parataekwondo competitors, so we know how to help you reach your highest potential. Whatever your experience, we look forward to welcoming you into GUTKD!


See the Club Sport Training Timetable for training times.

Recent Achievements

  • Our coach Elisha Shaw won the European Student Games, making her European Student Champion
  • 5 medals from 6 athletes at BUCS autumn championships
  • 2 medals from 3 athletes at BUCS winter championships
  • 2 athletes qualified for EUSA games
  • Win for 2nd year in a row at Glasgow vs Edinburgh
  • Held 2 gradings where we had a 100% success rate


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